Bio-One Of Pittsburgh decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Treatment for Hoarding: What Are the Most Common Options?

Treatment for Hoarding: What Are the Most Common Options? - Bio-One of Pittsburgh

Hoarding is a psychological condition wherein people have a hard time letting go of their possessions, regardless of their actual value. This condition can put a strain on one's relationships, career, and overall health and well-being. Contrary to popular belief, hoarding isn't just a regular habit of being a collector or a packrat - It's a disorder that requires treatment. In this blog post, we'll be discussing the most common options of treatment for hoarding and how our remediation technicians at Bio-One can help.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

hoarder apartment - before

The first option for treating hoarding typically starts with therapy. CBT is a type of talk therapy that works by helping the hoarder change behaviors and thought patterns that lead to hoarding.

Learn more here: Treatment of HD – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Medication for Underlying Conditions

Hoarding is typically related to other mental health conditions such as OCD, ADHD, or PTSD, so it's important to talk to a medical professional about possible medication options. Some people with hoarding disorder take medication to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety or depression, which can exacerbate hoarding behaviors.

Learn more here: What is Hoarding Disorder?

support elderly person

Support Groups

These are great options for many hoarders because they offer a sense of community and understanding. They're usually led by trained professionals who can provide guidance and support. In support groups, hoarders can share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs with people who understand what they're going through.

Professional Cleaning and Organizing Services

Removing clutter is the most efficient way to start controlling hoarding behaviors. It may seem overwhelming to clean the property alone, but enlisting the help of a professional cleaning and organizing service can help you get started. They can help you get rid of unnecessary items, organize your space, and create a plan to keep your living environment clean in the future.

hoarder apartment - after

Bio-One of Pittsburgh Can Help as You Navigate Hoarding

Treating hoarding may seem daunting, but it's an essential step toward improving your overall well-being, relationships, and quality of life. CBT, medication, support groups, and the help of professionals are all effective options for treating hoarding disorder. We will support and guide you every step of the way!

Hoarding Help for Families: 5 Ways to Approach a Loved One

When someone in your family is struggling with hoarding behavior, it can feel like a difficult and overwhelming problem to deal with. It’s important for families of hoarders to understand that there are effective hoarding help tips for their loved ones to work through the issue so that they can start living an improved quality of life.

At Bio-One Of Pittsburgh, we specialize in professional hoarding cleanup; but, more importantly, we recognize how important it is for every individual affected by hoarding to have access to not just cleanup services but also resources and support throughout the entire process. That's why we're here to provide five unique strategies you can use when talking to a loved one about seeking help for managing hoarding.

Educate yourself on Hoarding Disorder and its causes.

Hoarding Disorder can be a difficult topic to approach, but it is important to educate oneself on the subject in order to better understand the causes and potential remedies for those who suffer from it. Hoarding disorder is a complex mental health issue, often characterized by excessive accumulation and difficulty discarding possessions.

While the precise causes of hoarding disorder are still being researched, studies suggest that certain genetic, environmental, and psychological factors may contribute to its development. It is important to approach hoarding disorder with empathy and understanding, as those who experience it may feel overwhelmed and ashamed.

Approach your loved one with empathy and understanding.

If someone you know is exhibiting signs of hoarding disorder, it is important to speak with them in a non-judgmental and understanding way. Let them know that you care about their well-being and offer support without being pushy or demanding.

It can also be helpful to discuss potential solutions with your loved one. Encourage them to seek professional help and offer to accompany them to any appointments or treatments. Additionally, helping your loved one to develop healthy coping mechanisms can be an effective way of tackling the disorder.

In some cases, it may be necessary to involve other family members or authorities when attempting to address hoarding disorder. If this is the case, make sure that all parties are aware of the situation and that everyone has a clear understanding of their roles.

Create a safe space where you both feel comfortable talking about hoarding help and solutions.

Be prepared for setbacks. Treatments take time and it is important to understand that recovery will not happen overnight. Reassure your loved one that you are there to support them through their journey. By taking the right steps, you can make a difference in the life of someone affected by hoarding disorder.

Hoarding disorder is a complex and difficult disorder to treat, and it is important to maintain an understanding attitude with your loved one throughout the process. Recognize that this is a difficult situation for them and be willing to listen without judgment or criticism.

Ask open-ended questions to gain insight into their thoughts and feelings.

Asking open-ended questions is an excellent way to gain deeper insight into a person's thoughts and emotions, especially when it comes to hoarding help. Here are some tips:

  • Try to focus on understanding the underlying needs that may be driving their behavior rather than attacking them for it.
  • Encourage your loved one to seek professional help as soon as possible.
  • Identify a mental health provider who specializes in hoarding disorder and is familiar with its effects on individuals, families, and communities.

Additionally, involve family members in the recovery process, as they can provide support and understanding to help your loved one achieve their goals.

Offer practical solutions that can help them manage the clutter and create a healthier living environment.

Living in a cluttered environment can cause stress and anxiety, but it can be challenging to find practical solutions to manage the mess. As a professional, we understand how overwhelming it can be when dealing with clutter. Fortunately, there are practical solutions you can implement to help create a healthier living environment:

  • One effective solution is to start decluttering one room at a time, starting with the most cluttered area.
  • Use storage solutions like baskets, shelves, and containers to organize your belongings.
  • Avoid buying items that you don't need and get rid of things you no longer use or want.
  • You might also consider donating items or selling them online if they are still in good condition.
examples of hoarded properties - Bio-One of Pittsburgh

Bio-One of Pittsburgh offers hoarding help for anyone dealing with a hoarder or cluttered environment!

Taking the steps necessary to understand hoarding disorder and approach the situation with understanding and empathy is incredibly important. No matter where you are in the hoarding cleanup process, Bio-One Of Pittsburgh is here to help. Our compassionate experts act as a guide by educating, listening, and creating a supportive environment.

We believe in providing personalized solutions to each of our clients so their individual needs can be met in a healthy manner. Remember that even though hoarders may feel embarrassed or ashamed of their situation, with compassion and dedication, you can help them work through this difficult ordeal. 

Our team at Bio-One Of Pittsburgh is always available to answer any questions or concerns about hoarding cleanups and we look forward to working together on this journey of healing!

Answering the call.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh is always ready to assist you in unexpected situations. Our expert specialists are always ready to assist you in dealing with highly pressurized situations that may be emotionally and physically draining, allowing you to focus on other vital activities while healing in a sanitary environment. Locally owned and operated, we provide the following:

Disinfection, sanitation, and decontamination services

Remediation & Hoarding cleanup services

Help First, Business Second!

Bio-One works closely with victim support centers nationwide and local authorities, communities, emergency services personnel, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, insurance companies, and other organizations to accomplish each customer's most efficient and superior service possible. 

Many crime scene cleanup companies may face unexpected, unfortunate life events. Still, Bio-One is the right choice because of our expertise and profoundly caring and discreet specialists.

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Area! 

Bio-One of Pittsburgh serves the following Pennsylvania counties: Allegheny County, Washington County, Beaver County, Butler County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Fayette County, and Mercer County.

We also serve the following cities and surrounding communities: from Allison Park all the way to Creighton, Crescent, Cuddy Curtisville, Millvale, Monroeville, Oakmont, Pitcairn, Pleasant Hills, Plum, Port Vue, Presto, Rankin, Rennerdale, Rural Ridge, Russellton, Sharpsburg, South Park to Springdale, we are ready to help you.

Essential Tips for Reducing Stress While Cleaning for a Hoarder

If you're one of the many people with a friend or family member who is a hoarder, you know that cleaning their house can be daunting and stress-inducing. But it doesn't have to be! Here are some essential tips for reducing stress while cleaning for a hoarder. Follow these tips, and you'll be on your way to an easier, less stressful clean:

Schedule time for cleaning and stick to it.

Cleaning up can be a daunting task, especially in hoarding scenarios. It's easy to let cleaning get away from you and make it overwhelming. Therefore, it's important to establish a cleaning schedule so that you don't find yourself buried in a mountain of clutter:

  • Allocating time for cleaning will help prioritize the cleaning process, reduce stress levels, and also help maintain cleanliness.
  • Set cleaning goals and, if possible, devise creative ideas to make the hoarder feel comfortable throughout the process.
  • When establishing the cleaning schedule, make time for challenging tasks that may pop up between cleaning cycles, such as deep cleaning carpets or tackling projects like organizing paperwork.

Once you have established your routine and stick with it, cleaning won't seem like such a climb up Mount Everest!

Don't try to do everything at once - Focus on one area at a time!

When hoarding cleanup is your goal, it's easy to want to tackle the entire project at once, but that can be overwhelming. It's often better to break up the task into smaller, more manageable chunks by focusing on one area of the space at a time. This way, you can ensure each area gets properly addressed and that your hoarding cleanup efforts are used efficiently.

Furthermore, techniques such as organizing items by category or temporarily setting aside items for donation help remove some of the stress from hoarding cleanup and make it easier to focus on one area at a time.

Don't be afraid to ask for help from family and friends.

Feeling overwhelmed or anxious when tackling hoarding or clutter is natural, but don't hesitate to ask for professional help. Turning to close family and friends can be immensely beneficial. They understand your lifestyle better than anyone and can provide invaluable moral support. Plus, they can keep you accountable while providing helpful organizational tips and techniques.

Take breaks often, especially if you start to feel overwhelmed.

It can be hard to step away from an important task when you have a lot of work or projects to complete, but taking small breaks whenever you feel overwhelmed can help boost your productivity and creativity in the long run. Get up and stretch occasionally throughout the day — it will do wonders for your body and mind by helping clear any mental stress you may be feeling.

Taking a walk, listening to a few songs, or even just meditating for five minutes can give you a sense of renewed energy, allowing you to approach tasks with more focus and attention. Don't forget that taking some time for yourself is okay - it will improve your energy and provide insight into how to approach different challenges with fresh eyes.

Set realistic goals for yourself, and don't try to accomplish too much.

It's important to be ambitious and strive for your dreams. However, setting unrealistic expectations for yourself can lead to feelings of disappointment or frustration when you struggle to meet them.

  • Taking small steps and setting realistic goals for yourself is the best way to make progress toward achieving those dreams. It can help keep you motivated because you will continuously progress and accomplish small goals.
  • Everybody has different skills and time frames, so practice self-awareness and ensure that your goals are achievable within the best timeframe.

Remember that you're doing this for yourself and not anyone else.

If you're cleaning up for a hoarder, remember that it's a process of improvement for you and your loved one, and it's not something anyone else should force you to do. It's a great way to control your surroundings, clear out the clutter, organize what you need and value, and ultimately make your and their living space more enjoyable and livable.

If it feels like too much of an overwhelming task, break the cleaning process down into smaller chunks to make it more manageable, and don't rule out the possibility of asking for help from our Bio-One team!

Our hoarding remediation technicians are ready to help you or your loved ones.
Our hoarding remediation technicians are ready to help you or your loved ones.

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh is always ready to assist you in unexpected situations. Our expert specialists are always ready to assist you in dealing with highly pressurized situations that may be emotionally and physically draining, allowing you to focus on other vital activities while healing in a sanitary environment. Locally owned and operated, we provide the following:

Disinfection, sanitation, and decontamination services

Remediation & Hoarding cleanup services


Bio-One works closely with victim support centers nationwide and local authorities, communities, emergency services personnel, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, insurance companies, and other organizations to accomplish each customer's most efficient and superior service possible. 

Many crime scene cleanup companies may face unexpected, unfortunate life events. Still, Bio-One is the right choice because of our expertise and profoundly caring and discreet specialists.

We are proud members of the NAPO Pittsburgh - National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals!

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Area! 

Bio-One of Pittsburgh serves the following Pennsylvania counties: Allegheny County, Washington County, Beaver County, Butler County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Fayette County, and Mercer County.

We also serve the following cities and surrounding communities: from Allison Park to Creighton, Crescent, Cuddy Curtisville, Millvale, Monroeville, Oakmont, Pitcairn, Pleasant Hills, Plum, Port Vue, Presto, Rankin, Rennerdale, Rural Ridge, Russellton, Sharpsburg, South Park to Springdale, we are ready to help you.

Helpful Tips for Those Affected by Hoarding Disorder

Hoarding is a mental health condition that can affect people of all ages and from all walks of life. It's estimated that 2-5% of the population suffers from Hoarding Disorder, which can devastate sufferers and their loved ones. While there is no cure for hoarding, there are ways to manage the condition and support those affected. This blog post will explore some tips on how to help a hoarder clean up.

Don't try to clean up their house for them.

Hoarding is a serious issue, and it can be challenging to know how to help someone who is struggling with this behavior. If you are trying how to help a hoarder clean up, avoid taking a "tough love" approach. It is important to respect their personal space, regardless of how disorganized it may be.

Taking control away from someone's hoards can make them feel even more powerless and overwhelmed - not only about the mess that needs cleaning up but also in their lives.

Instead of taking over the cleanup process yourself, focus on providing support and advice when asked; let them take ownership of the process and offer positive feedback whenever possible. That way, your loved one will feel empowered about their progress and be motivated to create a comfortable home space for themselves.

Offer to help them sort through things and throw away anything that's no longer needed.

If you know somebody who is a hoarder, it can be difficult to know how to help them. A great place to start is by offering to help them sort through their possessions and throw away anything that's no longer needed. This could help alleviate the clutter and reduce the anxiety associated with letting go of items.

Make sure you’re patient, as it can take time for them to go through everything, but emphasize how easy it will be to find what they need once things are sorted and organized. Assure them that you understand how difficult and emotional this may feel, but remind them how much better they'll feel afterward.

Be patient with them. Trust is key.

Establishing trust takes time, and it is important to be patient with the process. When cultivating trust in a relationship, creating a safe space where the other person feels heard and respected with few judgments or assumptions is essential. Show the other person you value them by taking an authentic interest in their lives and aspirations.

Demonstrating that you have their best interests at heart will help build their trust, allowing them to open up more easily. Patience is just as important when things are not going well; give the other person time to come around, and avoid unfairly pushing your agenda onto them. Fostering trust should always start from a place of kindness and understanding.

How to help a hoarder clean up with our restoration technicians at Bio-One.

If you feel overwhelmed by the hoarding situation in your home, let Bio-One help. Our compassionate and professional technicians offer restoration and cleaning services to help restore order and peace of mind. We understand how delicate a hoarding situation can be. We strive to do our part in helping those affected by hoarding disorder find balance in their lives.

Our team can assist in a wide range of services, from sorting through possessions and organizing spaces to helping individuals set up systems that will make it easier to manage clutter and keep their homes clean.  We also provide resources for therapy and support groups if additional help is needed.

Reach out today to learn more about how we can help you or someone you love!

If you wish to help a hoarder clean up, our restoration technicians at Bio-One are here for you!
If you wish to help a hoarder clean up, our restoration technicians at Bio-One are here for you!

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh is always ready to assist you in unexpected situations. Our expert specialists are always ready to assist you in dealing with highly pressurized situations that may be emotionally and physically draining, allowing you to focus on other vital activities while healing in a sanitary environment. Locally owned and operated, we provide the following:

Disinfection, sanitation, and decontamination services

Remediation & Hoarding cleanup services


Bio-One works closely with victim support centers nationwide and local authorities, communities, emergency services personnel, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, insurance companies, and other organizations to accomplish each customer's most efficient and superior service possible. 

Many crime scene cleanup companies may face unexpected, unfortunate life events. Still, Bio-One is the right choice because of our expertise and profoundly caring and discreet specialists.

We are proud members of the NAPO Pittsburgh - National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals!

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Area! 

Bio-One of Pittsburgh serves the following Pennsylvania counties: Allegheny County, Washington County, Beaver County, Butler County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Fayette County, and Mercer County.

We also serve the following cities and surrounding communities: from Allison Park to Creighton, Crescent, Cuddy Curtisville, Millvale, Monroeville, Oakmont, Pitcairn, Pleasant Hills, Plum, Port Vue, Presto, Rankin, Rennerdale, Rural Ridge, Russellton, Sharpsburg, South Park to Springdale, we are ready to help you.

How to Find Professional Hoarding Clean Up Help with Bio-One

There are many professional companies, but how do you know which is right for you? If you or a loved one are struggling with hoarding clean up, help might seem like something difficult to achieve, especially if those involved are not aware of the reasons and psychology behind Hoarding Disorder.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh is a leading provider of hoarder cleaning services. We understand the unique challenges of Hoarding Disorder, and our goal is to help everyone overcome these challenges safely. Here's how our team of certified professionals can approach these scenarios:

Define your needs - What are your expectations with hoarding clean up help?

It is important to think carefully about the kind of help you need. Do you only require someone to come in and organize your things, or does your hoarding problem require more ongoing long-term support?

It is essential to identify the hoarder's individual needs as this will determine what type of clean-up help is best for them. Professional hoarding experts are experienced in providing customized support and help according to both the complexity and severity of each hoarding case. They can offer helpful advice and guidance on how hoarding clean up help can best be utilized to bring positive change into your life.

Do some research - Look online or ask friends and family for recommendations

When needing hoarding clean up help, it always helps to do your research. There are plenty of resources online for information on hoarding clean up services. Still, the most reliable way to find out about hoarding clean up help is to ask friends and family for recommendations.

Ultimately, you will want hoarding clean up assistance that is both thorough and safe, so talking to those close to you is a great way to get started. Professional help from Bio-One is always available for those in need.

Make sure you're comfortable with the person or company you choose

Finding someone you can trust when dealing with such a sensitive issue is crucial. Consider if the person or company you choose has the right credentials, relevant experience, and track record. Have a conversation to get to know one another before signing any agreements. Ensure you feel safe and comfortable during these conversations so that you are confident in your decision and aware of what is expected of both parties. There is an abundance of options available. Therefore, researching and considering more than one person or company is essential.

While hoarding clean up help can be costly, many options are available

Cleaning out a hoarder's home can be an overwhelming and difficult task. You must face the issue head-on, put away any attachments or nostalgia for certain items, and decide what to keep or throw away. To make the process easier, it is strongly recommended to invest in professional help. While it can be expensive, a hoarding clean-up team provides insight on how to sort through and clean things up efficiently and safety measures in place when dealing with hazardous materials.

It's also important to consider that these professionals understand the underlying issues of hoarding better than anyone else and will handle the job with care and respect for you and your memories. All in all, even though there’s an initial financial cost at play here, nothing compares to finally having a fresh start and being able to move forward, living clutter-free with peace of mind.

Our hoarding cleaning technicians are ready to restore your home to safe conditions.
Our hoarding cleaning technicians are ready to restore your home to safe conditions.

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh is always ready to assist you in unexpected situations. Our expert specialists are always ready to assist you in dealing with highly pressurized situations that may be emotionally and physically draining, allowing you to focus on other vital activities while healing in a sanitary environment. Locally owned and operated, we provide the following:

Disinfection, sanitation, and decontamination services

Remediation & Hoarding cleanup services


Bio-One works closely with victim support centers nationwide and local authorities, communities, emergency services personnel, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, insurance companies, and other organizations to accomplish each customer's most efficient and superior service possible. 

Many crime scene cleanup companies may face unexpected, unfortunate life events. Still, Bio-One is the right choice because of our expertise and profoundly caring and discreet specialists.

We are proud members of the NAPO Pittsburgh - National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals!

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Area! 

Bio-One of Pittsburgh serves the following Pennsylvania counties: Allegheny County, Washington County, Beaver County, Butler County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Fayette County, and Mercer County.

We also serve the following cities and surrounding communities: from Allison Park all the way to Creighton, Crescent, Cuddy Curtisville, Millvale, Monroeville, Oakmont, Pitcairn, Pleasant Hills, Plum, Port Vue, Presto, Rankin, Rennerdale, Rural Ridge, Russellton, Sharpsburg, South Park to Springdale, we are ready to help you.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh - How to get started with hoarder cleanup with help from Bio-One

If you're like most people, the word hoarder likely conjures up images of cluttered homes filled with piles of junk. And while that may be one type of hoarder, there's actually a wide spectrum of hoarding behaviors. At one end of the spectrum, you have people who are simply messy and disorganized. On the other end, you have people who are so compulsively hoarders that their homes are unsafe.

Most hoarders fall somewhere in between these two extremes, but regardless of where they fall on the spectrum, they all have one thing in common: they need hoarder cleanup services. It's a specialized cleaning service focused on helping people struggling with compulsive hoarding behaviors get their homes back to a livable state.

Removing large amounts of clutter and debris and disinfecting and disinfecting the home to remove any health hazards are part of the typical cleaning process. So, If you or someone you know is struggling with compulsive hoarder behaviors, don't hesitate to reach out for help. There are many hoarder cleanup services available that can make a world of difference.

How Bio-One can help you get started with hoarder cleanup

If you're looking for a company that can help you with hoarder cleanup, Bio-One of Pittsburgh is a great choice. We specialize in helping people get their homes back to a clean and safe state, and we're familiar with the unique challenges that hoarding can present. Here are just a few of the ways we can help you get started:

  • First, we'll work with you to develop a customized plan for your specific situation. No hoarding cleanups are exactly alike, so it's important to have a plan tailored to everyone's needs. We'll take into account the size of the hoard, the type of materials involved, and any safety concerns that need to be addressed.
  • We'll take care of removing all biohazards and potentially dangerous materials and items from the home. Our technicians use proper PPE such as biohazardous waste bags, gloves, face masks, and protective clothing. We'll also bring along any specialized equipment that may be needed to remove items from the home safely.
  • Finally, we'll handle all the logistics of the cleanup itself. This includes disposing of all the waste in accordance with local regulations. We'll also work with you to make sure any valuable or sentimental items are properly documented and stored for future retrieval!

Bio-One is committed to helping our clients achieve a successful hoarder cleanup. We have the experience and expertise to get the job done right, and we'll work closely with you every step of the way to ensure that your home is returned to a safe and healthy state. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you get started on your journey to recovery.

How to prepare for a hoarder cleanup crew visit

Most of the time, the hardest part of starting with hoarder cleanup is reaching out for help. Feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what others can do to help you is okay. There is no prior preparation for our cleaning crew. If you need help, call today, and we will visit the place and provide you with the necessary assistance to get started.

Occasionally, it helps if people have an understanding of what they want to recover during the cleanup process. Do you want the crew to deep clean, or do you want them to help you sort through your belongings and get rid of things you no longer need? If you have an idea, the crew members can prioritize their efforts and ensure that they don't miss anything.

However, this will not be possible if people don't seek help. If you or someone you know is struggling with hoarding, know that help is available!

Hoarder cleanup - Before and after!
Trust our specialists to take care of any hoarding situation!


Bio-One of Pittsburgh is always ready to assist you with issues arising from unanticipated events, such as death and major injury. Our expert specialists are always ready to assist you in dealing with highly pressurized situations that may be emotionally and physically draining, allowing you to focus on other vital activities while healing in a sanitary environment. Locally owned and operated, we provide the following:

Disinfection, sanitation, and decontamination services

Remediation & Hoarding cleanup services


Bio-One works closely with victim support centers nationwide and local authorities, communities, emergency services personnel, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, insurance companies, and other organizations to accomplish each customer's most efficient and superior service possible. 

Many crime scene cleanup companies may face unexpected, unfortunate life events. Still, Bio-One is the right choice because of our expertise and profoundly caring and discreet specialists.

We are proud members of the NAPO Pittsburgh - National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals!

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Area! 

Bio-One of Pittsburgh serves the following Pennsylvania counties: Allegheny County, Washington County, Beaver County, Butler County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Fayette County, and Mercer County.

We also serve the following cities and surrounding communities: from Allison Park all the way to Creighton, Crescent, Cuddy Curtisville, Millvale, Monroeville, Oakmont, Pitcairn, Pleasant Hills, Plum, Port Vue, Presto, Rankin, Rennerdale, Rural Ridge, Russellton, Sharpsburg, South Park to Springdale, we are ready to help you!

Why is Cleaning Blood and Bodily Fluid Spills a Job for Pros? Bio-One of Pittsburgh.

Cleaning blood and bodily fluids can be dangerous for untrained individuals. Not only is there the risk of getting sick from contact with these fluids, but there is also the potential to spread infectious diseases if proper cleaning protocols are not followed. That's why it's always best to leave this cleanup to the professionals.

At Bio-One of Pittsburgh, our trained and certified technicians have the knowledge and experience to clean up blood spills, body fluids, and other biohazardous waste safely and effectively. We follow all OSHA, CDC, and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) guidelines to ensure your property is properly disinfectd and disinfected after a traumatic event.

Not only are our technicians qualified to tackle these types of work, but they do so with a deep and caring approach aimed at alleviating the emotional distress of everyone involved.

Why is Cleaning Blood & Bodily Fluids Spills a Job for Pros?

Cleaning up blood spills is a job for the pros because it's not just about the cleaning itself but also the safety of those involved. Blood can contain harmful pathogens that can cause serious illness or even death if they come into contact with someone's skin or mucous membranes.

That's why it's important to have a professional team who are trained in the proper way to clean blood spills. They will know how to safely remove as much blood and potentially infectious materials from the affected area.

If you have a human blood spill in your home or business setting, it's strongly recommended to call a professional cleaning company immediately. They will have the experience and cleaning equipment to safely and effectively restore the area and prevent the further spreading of disease.

The Dangers of Cleaning Blood & Bodily Fluids

There are many dangers associated with cleaning human blood and fluids. First and foremost, you must take precautions to protect yourself from exposure to these fluids. Failure to do so could result in serious health consequences.

Additionally, it is important to be aware of bloodborne pathogens from human waste. These materials can include everything from bacteria to viruses to toxic chemicals. As such, it is essential that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself when cleaning these materials.

Finally, it is also important to be aware of the fact that some blood and bodily fluids can be flammable. As such, it is essential that you take the necessary steps to ensure that you do not come into contact with any open flames or other sources of inflammatory mediators when cleaning these materials.

The Importance of Proper Blood Cleaning Protocols

Bloodborne pathogens are infectious diseases and viruses that are transmitted through contact with contaminated blood, spread through contact with infected needles, body fluids, or contaminated surfaces. Bloodborne diseases can cause serious illness and death if left untreated.

There are many different bloodborne diseases, but some of the most common include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV/AIDS. These diseases can have severe consequences if left untreated, so it is vital to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect yourself.

One of the best ways to protect yourself from bloodborne diseases is to practice safe hygiene. This means avoiding contact with contaminated blood or body fluids and always trusting a professional cleaning company to dispose of any waste carefully.

If you work in a healthcare setting, it is important to follow proper protocols for handling and disposing of needles and other sharp objects.

It is also necessary to clean any surfaces that may have come into contact with contaminated blood. This includes countertops, floors, and other surfaces where blood could have splattered. Use a disinfectant cleaner to clean these surfaces, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use.

Bloodborne diseases are serious infections that can have severe consequences. Practicing safe hygiene and following proper protocols can help protect yourself and others from these diseases.

How Bio-One of Pittsburgh Can Help

Cleaning up human blood and waste is a job for the pros. Not only do you have to worry about the physical cleanup, but also about the potential biohazardous materials that may be present. That's where Bio-One of Pittsburgh comes in. We are a professional biohazard cleanup company equipped to handle any blood spill, whether big or small.

We also offer a wide range of other remediation services, such as crime scene cleanup, trauma scene cleanup, odor removal, medical waste disposal, hoarding cleanup, and much more.

If you are dealing with a blood or bodily fluids spill, don't hesitate to call Bio-One of Pittsburgh. We are here to help you through this difficult time.

Our technicians are experienced in cleaning blood and other potentially hazardous materials.
Our technicians are experienced in cleaning blood and other potentially hazardous materials.

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh is always ready to assist you with any issues arising from unanticipated events, such as death and major injury. Our expert specialists are always ready to assist you in dealing with highly pressurized situations that may be emotionally and physically draining, allowing you to focus on other vital activities while healing in a sanitary environment. Locally owned and operated, we provide the following:

Biohazard remediation and decontamination services

Hoarding cleanup services

Help First, Business Second!

Bio-One works closely with victim support centers nationwide and local authorities, communities, emergency services personnel, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, insurance companies, and other organizations to accomplish each customer's most efficient and superior service possible. 

Many crime scene cleanup companies may face unexpected, unfortunate life events. Still, Bio-One is the right choice because of our expertise and profoundly caring and discreet specialists.

We are proud members of the NAPO Pittsburgh - National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals!

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Area! 

Bio-One of Pittsburgh serves the following Pennsylvania counties: Allegheny County, Washington County, Beaver County, Butler County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Fayette County, and Mercer County.

We also serve the following cities and surrounding communities: Allison Park, Aspinwall, Avalon, Bairdford, Bakerstown, Baldwin, Bellevue, Ben Avon, Ben Avon Heights, Bethel Park, Blawnox, Boston, Brackenridge, Braddock, Braddock Hills, Bradford Woods, Brentwood, Buena Vista, Bunola, Carnegie, Castle Shannon, Cheswick, Churchill, Clairton, Coulter, Crafton, Creighton, Crescent, Cuddy Curtisville, Dormont, Dravosburg, Duquesne, East Mc Keesport, East Mckeesport, East Pittsburgh, Elizabeth, Emsworth, Etna, Forest Hills, Fox Chapel, Glassport, Glenshawock, Harwick, Heidelberg, Homestead, Homewood, Indianola, Ingomar, Ingram, Jefferson Hills, Leetsdale, McKees Rocks, Millvale, Monroeville, Morgan, Mount Oliver, Munhall, Natrona Heights, Noblestown, Oakdale, Oakland, Oakland (borough), Oakmont, Pitcairn, Pleasant Hills, Plum, Port Vue, Presto, Rankin, Rennerdale, Rural Ridge, Russellton, Sharpsburg, South Park, Springdale, Sturgeon, Swissvale, Tarentum, Turtle Creek, Verona, Wall, Warrendale, West Elizabeth, Wes Homestead, West Mifflin, West View, Wexford, Whitaker, Wildwood, Wilkinsburg, and Wilmerding!

Our technicians are available 24/7/365! Contact us at 412-414-3101.

How Can You Help a Loved One Dealing with Hoarding Disorder? Bio-One of Pittsburgh

Hoarding disorder is a mental health disorder that can cause much distress for the person suffering from it and their loved ones. If you want to help someone with a hoarding disorder, you may wonder what to do to get started.

It wasn't until May 2013 that the American Psychiatric Association recognized hoarding in the mental disorders category in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This has allowed mental health professionals to develop more effective solutions for those dealing with it.

Hoarding disorder is characterized by persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experiences distresses at the thought of getting rid of their belongings, even if those items are useless or of little value. People with hoarding disorder face many challenges and health risk factors from not having a functional living space.

What are some signs that someone may be suffering from hoarding disorder?

If you notice that your loved one is having difficulty getting rid of things, even if they are useless or of little value, it may be a sign of hoarding behavior. Other symptoms include:

  • Reluctance or inability to get rid of items.
  • Excessive acquisition of things, even if they are unnecessary or have no value.
  • Having a house or living space that is cluttered to the point where it can't be used for its intended purpose.
  • Inability to use rooms as intended (e.g., a bedroom becomes unusable because it is full of stuff).
  • An excessive amount of clutter in the home
  • Experiencing distress at the thought of discarding items.
  • Difficulty making decisions about what to keep or get rid of.
  • Keeping items that appear useless, such as old newspapers or food wrappers.
  • Feeling a need to save items because they may be useful in the future.
  • Having a strong, unhealthy attachment to possessions.

If you want to help someone with hoarding disorder, the first step is to talk to them about it. It's essential to approach the topic in a non-judgmental way and avoid telling them that they need to get rid of their things. Instead, try to focus on how hoarding disorder impacts their life and those around them. 

For example, you could say, "I noticed that your house is very cluttered, and it's difficult to move around. I'm worried about your safety, and I want to help you get the needed assistance."

Why is Hoarding Disorder such a delicate condition?

Hoarding disorder is a delicate condition because it is characterized by an intense fear of losing or discarding items, even if they are of no real value. It often leads to people collecting excessive amounts of clutter in their homes. Hoarding creates difficulties with everyday activities such as cooking, cleaning, and moving around, and it can also lead to social isolation and financial problems.

From a functionality standpoint, a cluttered home can lead to unsafe conditions such as fire hazards, trips and falls, and difficulty accessing essential items like the phone or fire extinguisher.

Those with hoarding disorder often feel a great deal of shame and embarrassment about their condition, making it difficult to seek help. However, treatment is available and can be very effective. If you ever approach a situation like this and wish to help someone with hoarding disorder, know that help is available.

What you can do to help someone with Hoarding Disorder

Hoarding disorder is a delicate condition because it can be challenging for people who suffer from it to let go of things, even if they are cluttered or have garbage. This can cause problems in their homes and their relationships with others. If you have a loved one who is dealing with hoarding disorder, there are some things you can do to help:

Educate yourself about hoarding and other mental health conditions

Before approaching any hoarding situation, it's important to be aware of what dealing with mental illness means. Like most conditions, hoarding may be triggered by a stressful life event,  such as the death of a loved one, retirement, or divorce. Be sure to educate yourself on the condition so that you can be as understanding and helpful as possible.

Be supportive and understanding

If your loved one is dealing with hoarding, offer your support. Help them clean up their home if they are willing to do so. If they are not ready to let go of things, just be understanding.

Encourage professional help

If your loved one is struggling to manage their hoarding on their own, encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional. Many resources are available to help people with hoarding disorder, such as therapy, support groups, and medication.

You can also contact a local hoarding task force or cleaning company that specializes in helping people with hoarding disorder. If you want to learn more about Cognitive-behavioral therapy and other forms of treatment for Hoarding Disorder, visit the International OCD Foundation website.

Help them to declutter their home

If your loved one is willing to declutter their home, offer to help them. This can be a difficult and emotional process, so it's important to be patient and understanding. Help them to sort through their belongings and to decide what to keep, donate, or throw away.

Consider hiring a hoarding cleanup company like Bio-One to help you with the process.

Hoarded properties pose multiple health and safety threats, not to mention how emotionally demanding approaching these situations yourself can be.

Bio-One specializes in hoarding cleanup, and our team of experienced and compassionate professionals can help you through every step of the process. We understand how difficult it can be to deal with a hoarding situation, and we're here to help make things as easy and stress-free as possible.

We always work closely with everyone to create a customized plan that fits their unique needs, and we'll do everything we can to ensure the hoard is cleaned up safely and effectively. If you're looking for someone to help you with a hoarding situation, look no further than Bio-One.

Our technicians are here if you are ready to help someone with hoarding disorder. Bio-One.
Our technicians are here if you are ready to help someone with hoarding disorder. Bio-One.

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh is always ready to assist you with any issues arising from unanticipated events, such as death and major injury. Our expert specialists are always ready to assist you in dealing with highly pressurized situations that may be emotionally and physically draining, allowing you to focus on other vital activities while healing in a sanitary environment. Locally owned and operated, we provide the following:

Biohazard remediation and decontamination services

Hoarding cleanup services

Help First, Business Second!

Bio-One works closely with victim support centers nationwide and local authorities, communities, emergency services personnel, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, insurance companies, and other organizations to accomplish each customer's most efficient and superior service possible. 

Many crime scene cleanup companies may face unexpected, unfortunate life events. Still, Bio-One is the right choice because of our expertise and profoundly caring and discreet specialists.

We are proud members of the NAPO Pittsburgh - National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals!

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Area! 

Bio-One of Pittsburgh serves the following Pennsylvania counties: Allegheny County, Washington County, Beaver County, Butler County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Fayette County, and Mercer County.

We also serve the following cities and surrounding communities: Allison Park, Aspinwall, Avalon, Bairdford, Bakerstown, Baldwin, Bellevue, Ben Avon, Ben Avon Heights, Bethel Park, Blawnox, Boston, Brackenridge, Braddock, Braddock Hills, Bradford Woods, Brentwood, Buena Vista, Bunola, Carnegie, Castle Shannon, Cheswick, Churchill, Clairton, Coulter, Crafton, Creighton, Crescent, Cuddy Curtisville, Dormont, Dravosburg, Duquesne, East Mc Keesport, East Mckeesport, East Pittsburgh, Elizabeth, Emsworth, Etna, Forest Hills, Fox Chapel, Glassport, Glenshawock, Harwick, Heidelberg, Homestead, Homewood, Indianola, Ingomar, Ingram, Jefferson Hills, Leetsdale, McKees Rocks, Millvale, Monroeville, Morgan, Mount Oliver, Munhall, Natrona Heights, Noblestown, Oakdale, Oakland, Oakland (borough), Oakmont, Pitcairn, Pleasant Hills, Plum, Port Vue, Presto, Rankin, Rennerdale, Rural Ridge, Russellton, Sharpsburg, South Park, Springdale, Sturgeon, Swissvale, Tarentum, Turtle Creek, Verona, Wall, Warrendale, West Elizabeth, Wes Homestead, West Mifflin, West View, Wexford, Whitaker, Wildwood, Wilkinsburg, and Wilmerding!

Our technicians are available 24/7/365! Contact us at 412-414-3101.

5 Helpful Tips to Clean a Hoarder's House - Bio-One of Pittsburgh

Let's cover the basics you should know if you want to clean a hoarder's house and how a professional cleaning company like Bio-One can help you in these situations. We are the trusted choice to clean hoarding scenarios with a caring, compassionate team of professionals who are always ready to assist people through the transition to a better life.

There are two types of people in this world when it comes to hoarding: those who can't seem to let go of anything and those who can't stand the thought of holding on to anything for too long. Regardless of the reasons, the result in these scenarios is a hoarder's home cluttered and crammed with stuff, whose occupants live in a constant state of anxiety and fear when things get messy or disorganized.

Hoarding Disorder can severely impact a person's health, happiness, and quality of life. To overcome hoarding, the individual will need to develop new habits and thought patterns, and though it is a daunting and challenging process, it's important to remember that change is possible.

What is Hoarding Disorder (HD), and how can it impact a person's life?

Hoarding disorder (HD) is a mental health condition characterized by excessive accumulation of possessions. People with HD may have difficulty parting with items, even if they no longer need them or are of little value. This can make it difficult to navigate through their living space and often results in significant distress and impairment in daily functioning.

HD can greatly impact a person's life by preventing them from being able to use their living space effectively and can also result in unsanitary and hazardous conditions, such as the risk of fire, falls, and infections.

How can a person overcome Hoarding Disorder and develop healthier habits?

There is currently no known cure for HD, and there are only a few treatment options available. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found to be helpful in the treatment of HD and may help people with this condition learn strategies to manage their symptoms better. Other treatment methods have included support groups, relaxation training, and motivational interviewing.

If you or a family member is struggling with hoarding disorder, you can best reach out to a mental health professional. Talk to a doctor about the symptoms and discuss what treatment options may be suitable for you or your loved one. Many helpful resources are available online and through support groups. Remember that no one has to go through these events alone.

5 Tips to clean a hoarder’s house

If you want to clean a hoarder's house, you should know a few things. Being patient and understanding are determining factors in these situations. You also must prepare for the possibility of finding unsanitary conditions and hazardous materials. And third, you should not rule out the possibility of turning to professional help to deal with the situation:

  • Get organized. The first step in any hoarding cleanup is to clearly define the areas that need to be cleaned and the items that need to be removed. Make a list of all the rooms in the home and then take inventory of what the individual has in each room. Gather your cleaning supplies, protective gear, and heavy-duty trash bags, and most importantly, prepare mentally for what you may encounter in the home or property.
  • Set goals for yourself and everyone helping. It's important to set concrete goals when it comes to tackling a hoarder house cleaning. Otherwise, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and give up. Decide how much you all want to accomplish each day or week, and make sure to stick to the plan.
  • Don't go through the process alone. Ask friends or family members to help with the physical labor involved in deep cleaning and sorting your belongings. You may also seek professional help from a therapist or counselor who can help you deal with the emotional aspects of hoarding.
  • Be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your hoarder's paradise won't be decluttered overnight, either. It's important to take things slowly and be patient with yourself as you all work through the cleaning process.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you need to address hoarding effectively and ensure the whole process goes as smoothly as possible for everyone involved, consider hiring hoarder cleaning services to help you. Professionals are trained to approach the cleaning and disinfection process promptly.

There's no easy solution to clean a hoarder's house, but Bio-One can help.

Our technicians can help you clean a hoarder's house with care, compassion, and discretion.
Our technicians can help you clean a hoarder's house with care, compassion, and discretion.

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh is always ready to assist you with any issues arising from unanticipated events, such as death and major injury. Our expert specialists are always ready to assist you in dealing with highly pressurized situations that may be emotionally and physically draining, allowing you to focus on other vital activities while healing in a sanitary environment. Locally owned and operated, we provide the following:

Biohazard remediation and decontamination services

Hoarding cleanup services

Help First, Business Second!

Bio-One works closely with victim support centers nationwide and local authorities, communities, emergency services personnel, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, insurance companies, and other organizations to accomplish each customer's most efficient and superior service possible. 

Many crime scene cleanup companies may face unexpected, unfortunate life events. Still, Bio-One is the right choice because of our expertise and profoundly caring and discreet specialists.

We are proud members of the NAPO Pittsburgh - National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals!

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Area! 

Bio-One of Pittsburgh serves the following Pennsylvania counties: Allegheny County, Washington County, Beaver County, Butler County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Fayette County, and Mercer County.

We also serve the following cities and surrounding communities: Allison Park, Aspinwall, Avalon, Bairdford, Bakerstown, Baldwin, Bellevue, Ben Avon, Ben Avon Heights, Bethel Park, Blawnox, Boston, Brackenridge, Braddock, Braddock Hills, Bradford Woods, Brentwood, Buena Vista, Bunola, Carnegie, Castle Shannon, Cheswick, Churchill, Clairton, Coulter, Crafton, Creighton, Crescent, Cuddy Curtisville, Dormont, Dravosburg, Duquesne, East Mc Keesport, East Mckeesport, East Pittsburgh, Elizabeth, Emsworth, Etna, Forest Hills, Fox Chapel, Glassport, Glenshawock, Harwick, Heidelberg, Homestead, Homewood, Indianola, Ingomar, Ingram, Jefferson Hills, Leetsdale, McKees Rocks, Millvale, Monroeville, Morgan, Mount Oliver, Munhall, Natrona Heights, Noblestown, Oakdale, Oakland, Oakland (borough), Oakmont, Pitcairn, Pleasant Hills, Plum, Port Vue, Presto, Rankin, Rennerdale, Rural Ridge, Russellton, Sharpsburg, South Park, Springdale, Sturgeon, Swissvale, Tarentum, Turtle Creek, Verona, Wall, Warrendale, West Elizabeth, Wes Homestead, West Mifflin, West View, Wexford, Whitaker, Wildwood, Wilkinsburg, and Wilmerding!

Our technicians are available 24/7/365! Contact us at 412-414-3101.

Identifying Common Hoarding Symptoms & How Bio-One Can Help

Let's explore the common symptoms of hoarding disorder, the risk factors associated with this condition, how a hoarder's house can become a hazardous place to be around, and what to do if a family member or loved one is struggling with it. If you need help, remember Bio-One is always available to address hoarding scenarios with a caring and compassionate team of specialists.

Hoarding disorder is a condition marked by the persistent difficulty of getting rid of or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value. People with hoarding excessively save items and often experience distress at the thought of discarding them. The result is usually a cluttered living space that impairs basic activities like cooking, cleaning, and sleeping.

While most of us can relate to holding on to sentimental items or being a bit of a packrat, the behavior is much more severe for people with hoarding. It can have a significant impact on their quality of life. If you or someone you know may be struggling with hoarding, it is crucial to seek professional help. With treatment, people with hoarding can learn to manage their symptoms and live a more clutter-free life.

Hoarding Disorder: What It Is, How To Identify Hoarding Symptoms

Hoarding is a pattern of behavior characterized by the excessive accumulation of items, even if those items are of little or no value. People with hoarding often struggle to get rid of things, even if they're useless. The inability to throw away possessions typically results in cluttered living spaces and significant distress.

Hoarding was finally recognized as a mental health condition in 2013, and it's estimated that up to 6% of the population may be affected by it. While hoarding can develop at any age, it's more common in older adults.

If you notice these symptoms in yourself or someone you know, it's essential to seek professional help. Compulsive hoarding can significantly impact the quality of life, and it's often associated with other mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

How To Identify Hoarding Symptoms

Hoarding is a complex condition to identify because it often starts gradually and can be easily hidden from view. Family and friends may not notice the signs of hoarding until the situation has reached a critical point. If you are concerned that someone you know may be hoarding, look for these common indicators:

  • There are an excessive number of possessions, often to the point where rooms are cluttered and unusable. Possessions may go from old magazines and empty boxes to food, clothing, and even animals.
  • Hoarders demonstrate inability or unwillingness to throw away possessions, even those no longer needed or used.
  • Hoarders resist letting others enter the property due to embarrassment or fear of judgment.
  • Hoarders have an obsession with acquiring new items, even if they are not needed.

If you suspect someone you know is hoarding, reach out to them and offer support. Help them understand that hoarding is a delicate situation that can be treated and that you are there to help them through it. If the person is resistant to getting help, you may need to contact hoarder cleaning services like Bio-One to help get the situation under control. 

Bio-One specializes in hoarding cleaning and can help restore the property to safe living conditions.

Risk Factors Associated With Hoarding Symptoms

Several factors may contribute to the development of hoarding tendencies, including:

Genetic factors

Hoarding is more common in people who have relatives with the condition—suggesting that there may be a genetic component to the condition.

Brain function

People with hoarding may differ in how their brains process and store information, making it difficult for them to make decisions and let go of things.

Psychological factors

Hoarding is often associated with other mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression. These conditions may contribute to the development of hoarding, but they are not the same. Mental health professionals praised the recognition of hoarding as its own mental health condition because it allowed them to have a more solid ground on the state and the methods used to identify and treat it.

Environmental factors

People who have experienced trauma or significant life stressors, such as the death of a loved one, might be more likely to develop hoarding tendencies.

If you think you or a loved one may be struggling with hoarding, reach out to a mental health professional for help. Hoarding is an actual medical condition that can be treated with the right support.

The Impact of Hoarding on Quality of Life

Hoarding can significantly impact the quality of life of those affected by the condition. The physical and mental clutter associated with hoarding makes it challenging to navigate the home, causing everyday activities such as cooking, cleaning, and even sleeping difficult or impossible. In addition, the emotional stress of living in a cluttered and chaotic environment can take a toll on one's mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and even social isolation.

A hoarder's house can also pose a severe safety risk. Pest infestations may be present clutter can increase the risk of falls and other accidents. In severe cases, piles of the trash usually block main hallways and exits, making it difficult to escape in the event of a fire or another emergency.

Why professional help is essential for treating hoarding symptoms

Hoarding disorder is a serious mental illness that can cause significant distress and disruption to a person's life. Many people with hoarding struggle with chronic disorganization and often end up living in highly cluttered and dangerous environments.

Professional help is essential for people with hoarding, as they will be able to provide expert advice and support on how to declutter and clean up your home. They will also be able to offer guidance on how to prevent the disorder from becoming worse and can help you to develop healthy coping strategies.

If you or someone you know is struggling with hoarding, the first step to recovery and moving forward to a better, healthier lifestyle is receiving help from professionals.

Diagnosing Hoarding: The Importance of Mental Health Professionals

There are a few different ways to be diagnosed with hoarding disorder. The first is through a clinical interview, which will help assess whether the person meets the criteria for the condition. Mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists or psychologists, can perform these assessments.

The second way is through self-report measures, which ask the person questions about their hoarding behaviors. The third way is through observation, which a family member or friend can do. 

Finally, some people may be diagnosed with hoarding after coming into contact with a professional who provides hoarding cleaning or decluttering services.

If you are concerned that you or someone you know may be dealing with hoarding, it might be difficult to find professional help, as most hoarders are not willing or conscious of the hoarding problem in their house. There are treatments available that can help people manage their condition and live more normal lives.

Treating Hoarding symptoms - Know There Is a Way Out

There are a few different ways to approach hoarding treatment. The most important thing is to work with a professional who understands the condition and creates a personalized plan.

One approach is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps people change their thinking and behavior patterns around hoarding. This can be done in individual or group settings.

Another standard treatment is medication. Some people with hoarding may benefit from taking antidepressants or other medicines. These can help improve mood and ease anxiety, making it easier to address hoarding behaviors.

In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary. Hospitalization is typically done voluntarily, but in some cases, involuntary hospitalization may be needed if the person is a danger to themselves or others. Treatment is often a long process, but with the right help, it is possible to make progress.

How professionals cleanup companies can help with hoarding symptoms and behavior

When it comes to a hoarder's home, the mess is only part of the problem. The real danger is the potential for fire, health hazards, and even structural damage. It's important to know that you're not alone. Bio-One's hoarding cleaning service specializes in helping people clean up and restore their homes after a hoarder has taken over.

Bio-One is a national leader in biohazard remediation and cleaning services. We have the experience and expertise to handle even the most extreme hoarding cases, and we can help you get your home back to a safe and livable condition.

If you're dealing with a hoarding situation, here are a few ways that Bio-One can help:

We can assess the situation and develop a customized cleanup plan

Hoarding symptoms are identified differently by everyone. It's essential to have a professional assessment to develop the best possible cleanup plan. At Bio-One, we have years of experience dealing with hoarding cases, and we will work to create a program made for the victim's specific needs.

We can help you remove all of the clutter and debris

One of the most daunting aspects of cleaning a hoarder's house is dealing with all of the clutter and debris that has been left behind. Bio-One can help you get rid of all the discarded items, as well as take care of all salvageable items.

Bio-One's restoration technicians have all the hand tools and cleaning supplies to decontaminate and disinfect hoarders' homes. We understand that this can be an emotionally draining process, which is why we focus on establishing trust while making sure the house is properly taken care of.

We can help you restore houses and properties to a safe and livable condition

Once the clutter and debris have been removed, Bio-One can help you restore your home to safe living conditions. We will assist you with any necessary repairs from the damage that has been done, and we will also help you put systems in place to prevent future hoarding.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to hoarding, but with the help of professional cleaners like Bio-One, it is possible effectively clean hoarding from the house or property. If you or someone you know is dealing with a hoarding situation, don't hesitate to contact Bio-One for help.

Bio-One is prepared to face any hoarding situation. We can help you or your loved one restore their homes.
Bio-One is prepared to face any hoarding situation. We can help you or your loved one restore their homes.

Compassion. Experience. Respect.

Bio-One of Pittsburgh is always ready to assist you with any issues arising from unanticipated events, such as death and major injury. Our expert specialists are always ready to assist you in dealing with highly pressurized situations that may be emotionally and physically draining, allowing you to focus on other vital activities while healing in a sanitary environment. Locally owned and operated, we provide the following:

Biohazard remediation and decontamination services

Hoarding cleanup services

Help First, Business Second!

Bio-One works closely with victim support centers nationwide and local authorities, communities, emergency services personnel, hoarding task forces, apartment communities, insurance companies, and other organizations to accomplish each customer's most efficient and superior service possible. 

Many crime scene cleanup companies may face unexpected, unfortunate life events. Still, Bio-One is the right choice because of our expertise and profoundly caring and discreet specialists.

We are proud members of the NAPO Pittsburgh - National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals!

Serving the Greater Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Area! 

Bio-One of Pittsburgh serves the following Pennsylvania counties: Allegheny County, Washington County, Beaver County, Butler County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Lawrence County, Greene County, Fayette County, and Mercer County.

We also serve the following cities and surrounding communities: Allison Park, Aspinwall, Avalon, Bairdford, Bakerstown, Baldwin, Bellevue, Ben Avon, Ben Avon Heights, Bethel Park, Blawnox, Boston, Brackenridge, Braddock, Braddock Hills, Bradford Woods, Brentwood, Buena Vista, Bunola, Carnegie, Castle Shannon, Cheswick, Churchill, Clairton, Coulter, Crafton, Creighton, Crescent, Cuddy Curtisville, Dormont, Dravosburg, Duquesne, East Mc Keesport, East Mckeesport, East Pittsburgh, Elizabeth, Emsworth, Etna, Forest Hills, Fox Chapel, Glassport, Glenshawock, Harwick, Heidelberg, Homestead, Homewood, Indianola, Ingomar, Ingram, Jefferson Hills, Leetsdale, McKees Rocks, Millvale, Monroeville, Morgan, Mount Oliver, Munhall, Natrona Heights, Noblestown, Oakdale, Oakland, Oakland (borough), Oakmont, Pitcairn, Pleasant Hills, Plum, Port Vue, Presto, Rankin, Rennerdale, Rural Ridge, Russellton, Sharpsburg, South Park, Springdale, Sturgeon, Swissvale, Tarentum, Turtle Creek, Verona, Wall, Warrendale, West Elizabeth, Wes Homestead, West Mifflin, West View, Wexford, Whitaker, Wildwood, Wilkinsburg, and Wilmerding!

Our technicians are available 24/7/365! Contact us at 412-414-3101.